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The New Orleans Jazz museum Gala

The winter Covid wave has hit me hard. It has killed hope for me in so many ways. I wanted to travel to Mexico. I wanted live music. I wanted to go to gallery openings for myself and for my friends. I wanted to go take photos on Fat Tuesday in from of the Golden Lantern of the St. Ann Parade. I looked forward to performing in the clubs again and hugging all my beautiful "fans". However, none of these things are in the near future for me or my friends. I have made the decision to be super careful and I even spent Thanksgiving and will probably spend Christmas without friends or family unless it will be outside.

Last Saturday night was a gift for me from Greg Lambousy of the Louisiana Jazz Museum at the Mint to come and photograph. Intimate performances in the Jazz room from Dee Dee Bridgewater and Bonerama that were projected onto the wall outside and a full force performance from Big Freedia and crew on there balcony. There were maximum 50 people there in the audience. I do not consider myself a music critic or a music officinado but I know good music. Dee Dee Bridgewater was a dream come true-I waited a life time to see her. Bonerama did Paranoid Android. Big Freedia booty bounced.

People were happy to be around culture in such a great setting.

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